2020 June

Bible Study: Creeds Part 4

Bible Study: Creeds Part 4
Posted in Bible Study |

Vines and Branches

Jesus description of the Christian life in terms of a Vine and its branches is a favourite for many (John 15). It’s a cool image by which to think about the Christian life – even if we don’t always ‘get’ the details of what He’s getting at. And yet, it is an image worth digging
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Vines and Branches
Posted in Pastor's Blog |

Bible Study: Creeds Part 3

Bible Study: Creeds Part 3
Posted in Bible Study |

There’s Vigilance … and then there’s Hypervigilance

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Lions can certainly be frightening – especially in the first-century world where ‘death by wild beast’ was not uncommon. So, simply hearing a distant roar would easily become the source of great
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There’s Vigilance … and then there’s Hypervigilance
Posted in Pastor's Blog |

Bible Study: Creeds Part 2

Bible Study: Creeds Part 2
Posted in Bible Study |

Who May Ascend?

King David once mused: “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…” (Psalm 24:2-3a). While the verse may give us pause to chuckle a bit, David’s reflections had more to do with our sinful character than our current COVID
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Who May Ascend?
Posted in Pastor's Blog |

Bible Study – Creeds: Confessing our Faith

Bible Study – Creeds: Confessing our Faith
Posted in Bible Study |