What We Believe
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16

There is only one God

  • who created everything, controls everything, cares for everything.
  • who shows us He exists through nature and conscience.
  • who tells us about Himself in the Holy Bible.
  • who has revealed Himself as three distinct persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • who is the only True God among the gods of all religions.

There is only one reliable source of information

  • the Holy Bible in the original languages is unique.
  • the Holy Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to humankind in human history.
  • the Holy Bible tells us all we need to know about God
  • the Holy Bible tells us human existence is no accident.
  • the Holy Bible tells us humankind is spiritually dead in sin and therefore will be separated from God unless made perfect by God’s saving action (Isaiah 59:2).
  • the Holy Bible tells us no one is perfect (Romans 3:10-12).
  • the Holy Bible tells us God wants to be with us now and forever
  • the Holy Bible tells us that to live with God forever we need to be received by Christ and declared perfect, sinless in His eyes.

There is only one true faith

  • life with God is only possible by His grace because no one is perfect.
  • Jesus Christ is true God and true man,
    • who lived a perfect life for us.
    • who suffered and died on the cross as a payment for our sins.
    • who overcame death, rising from the dead in His crucified body and provided the only way for us to have life with God forever.
  • all who are received by Christ now admit their sinfulness and believe in Jesus as their one and only Saviour from the death and separation from God which sin brings
  • all who are received by Christ are forgiven of all sins because of what Christ has accomplished
  • all who are received by Christ are holy in God’s eyes and are gifted with eternal life
  • all who are received by Christ are given the Holy Spirit who calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth and keeps the Church in the one true faith
  • all who are received by Christ know His voice and strive, with God’s help, to love Him by obeying His commandments.