Pastor’s Blog

Bible Study: Creeds Part 5

Bible Study: Creeds Part 5
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Bible Study: Creeds Part 4

Bible Study: Creeds Part 4
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Vines and Branches

Jesus description of the Christian life in terms of a Vine and its branches is a favourite for many (John 15). It’s a cool image by which to think about the Christian life – even if we don’t always ‘get’ the details of what He’s getting at. And yet, it is an image worth digging
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Vines and Branches
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Bible Study: Creeds Part 3

Bible Study: Creeds Part 3
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There’s Vigilance … and then there’s Hypervigilance

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Lions can certainly be frightening – especially in the first-century world where ‘death by wild beast’ was not uncommon. So, simply hearing a distant roar would easily become the source of great
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There’s Vigilance … and then there’s Hypervigilance
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Bible Study: Creeds Part 2

Bible Study: Creeds Part 2
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Who May Ascend?

King David once mused: “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…” (Psalm 24:2-3a). While the verse may give us pause to chuckle a bit, David’s reflections had more to do with our sinful character than our current COVID
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Who May Ascend?
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Bible Study – Creeds: Confessing our Faith

Bible Study – Creeds: Confessing our Faith
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Who’s that Matthias Guy?

Our first reading from this past Sunday tells the account of the calling of Matthias to replace Judas as one of the Apostles. We don’t often talk about him though. After all, he never wrote a Gospel. We don’t have any epistles from him. He sort of comes in after-the-fact of the Gospel histories. Yet,
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Who’s that Matthias Guy?
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Humility, Humility, Humility – 1 Peter 5:6-8

Great things always start small. This is what Jesus reminded us of when He compared faith to a mustard seed. St. Peter, here too, reminds us that humility is one of the things that faith looks like. True, this letter was one reminding us as baptized Christians that we should not be surprised when we
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Humility, Humility, Humility – 1 Peter 5:6-8
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