Pastor’s Blog

Three Nails

Three nails – one for each wrist and the other for the feet. This is part of the cruelty of the crucifixion as the Romans found ways to display their ‘criminals’ before the world to see. Only, Pontius Pilate figured that this Jesus was innocent of the charges against Him. He tried to have Him
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Three Nails
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The Greening Power of God

No, I’m not talking eco-theology here. This is a shout out to a medieval mystic by the name of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). People sometimes make a lot of her writings – she was a feisty woman with a visionary bent – but at the heart of her spirituality was a recognition that God gives
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The Greening Power of God
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Praying through Anxiety

I’ve always wanted to start up a mini bookstore at church to bring in resources for people to buy and use. One excellent little book describing this little prayer is called Living the Jesus Prayer, written by a Ukrainian Catholic woman named Irma Zaleski. It’s a short read, an easy read – published here in
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Praying through Anxiety
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Celebrating Holy Week around the Home Altar

This Easter will be different. No doubt about it. With isolation measures in place, we won’t be able to gather around the Lord’s Altar to celebrate the fruit of the Cross – the Body and Blood of Jesus – as a community until this health marathon is over. But as Luther once wrote, “God is
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Celebrating Holy Week around the Home Altar
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Roamin’ through Romans 8 – March 31st, 2020

Roamin’ through Romans 8 – March 31st, 2020
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Valley of Dry Bones – March 30th, 2020

Valley of Dry Bones – March 30th, 2020
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Pray without ceasing – March 28th, 2020

The book I mentioned is call A Biblical Feast by Kitty Morse. There are a couple of editions of it out there – originally published in the late 1990s, it’s been reprinted at least a couple of times since then. Morse grew up Anglican in a middle eastern country. She tells the story of how,
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Pray without ceasing – March 28th, 2020
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Meditatio – March 27th, 2020

Psalm 1 reads “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted
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Meditatio – March 27th, 2020
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Home Altar Stuff

So, what does one do with a Home Altar? Good Question. At church, our altars are usually the direction we face when offering our prayers. They also serve as the table from which the Lord’s Supper is celebrated. While Scripture places the celebration of the Lord’s Supper into the hands of the clergy, we all
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Home Altar Stuff
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It always happens in the middle of Lent

Yes, that’s Errol giving out a quick ‘bark’ at the beginning of the video. He was exiled to my office and wasn’t quite sure he liked being separated from me!

It always happens in the middle of Lent
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