The purpose of our Mission of the Month is to increase awareness of individuals and organizations that are part of the LCC synodical family, performing mission work locally, across Canada, or around the world. We may also include some organizations that are part of our community which share the gospel and serve the needy.
Each month we will feature a different mission highlighting the work our church body is doing and giving our members an opportunity to engage with and support with time, talents, and resources. If you would like to support any of the monthly missions, you can give through normal Saint James offering options indicating “Mission of the Month” or give directly to the mission organization using the information provided.
Mission of the Month support is intended to be in addition to regular offerings. Together with all other congregations across Synod, our congregation already uses a portion of all offerings to support the work of Lutheran Church-Canada. We hope and pray that as we are blessed, we continue to be a blessing to others.
LWML – Cups Of Blessings

We all have an over-abundance of cups in our cupboards. Fill one of them with a tea bag, hot chocolate, cup-of-soup, Tim Horton’s gift card ($10 value).
During the month of May the ladies group will be collecting cups and the items to fill them. The cups will be donated to Willow Place Shelter, a local women’s shelter. There are usually 25-30 at the shelter.
Your gifts will be much appreciated! If you have any questions, please contact Iris Barta @ 204-770-2822.